Making every manager a leader in the smart and sustainable management of resources

By supporting the career development of our managers and improving their leadership skills, we raise the performance of our teams. In this way we are speeding up the transformation of SUEZ and our services.

Every manager benefits from a personalised and made-to-measure training programme enabling them to progress and develop their careers in the direction that best suits them.


This includes ‘manager as coach’ training for all managers, which improves people’s management style and their capacity to develop and inspire their teams.


We also nurture and promote our future leaders. We have been running a series of leadership development programmes since 2015: Learning with Stakeholders, Learning from Differences and Learning from Others.

Supporting our experts through their careers

Our world-class standing in the management of water and the recycling and recovery of waste rests on our network of experts. Leaders in their fields, they help SUEZ to continue innovating and share their knowledge across the group.

We have a group-wide approach to maximising the contribution of our experts. This involves close collaboration between our human resources department and our technical and business divisions.


Throughout their careers, our experts receive special attention through coaching, adapted training tools, and skills training in non-technical fields, such as leadership and communications.

WIKTI™: a tool designed to share know-how

In our water business, the methodology we have developed to ensure that knowledge is shared effectively is called WIKTI™ (Water International Knowledge Transfer Initiative). This management tool helps employees to improve their operational performance. It works by transferring knowledge to local teams using made-to-measure action plans that are defined, implemented and controlled by WIKTI.