Collection and storage
We provide the containers and collection service best suited to your waste stream and your business, no matter how large or small your requirement.
Where storage is required, we guard against contamination of the environment, pending the transfer, treatment or disposal of residual waste and any hazardous substances.
Treatment and disposal
We specialise in extracting value from waste. It is the key both to sustainability and to providing the most cost-effective service possible.
It may be that we can extract secondary raw materials (such as metals, plastic and wood) from your general waste at our sorting and treatment facilities.
The majority of residual waste will be put to good use.
Our energy-from-waste facilities generate electricity to power homes and businesses across the country.
We also turn general waste into an alternative fuel that displaces fossil fuels. Our solid recovered fuel and refuse derived fuel products are made from processed municipal and business waste. These are used instead of coal to power cement kilns, or to generate heat and power for homes and businesses.
A small percentage of non-recycled waste may be disposed of at one of our landfill sites, but even here, the gas created by the waste as it breaks downs can be used to generate power.
These highly engineered waste treatment facilities are managing waste in a safe and environmentally-responsible way.