Your challenges

Budgetary constraints have put unprecedented pressure on all local authority services, not least collection of waste and recyclables. Council and provider alike must do more for less, often with fewer staff to provide the service and communicate with residents – but with no let-up in society’s expectations of an effective and an environmentally responsible service.   

We understand the pressure to reduce carbon emissions and meet demanding targets for recycling and recovery, which is why we have pioneered new initiatives – such as developing a ‘green’ fuel produced from landfill gas and developing digital solutions for our collection systems to improve the efficiency of our collections service.

Our industry has seen significant change in recent years, and this can only accelerate as we work to create a circular economy. Your service will need to be adaptable and to evolve so as to ensure it is both efficient and sustainable.

Our solutions

Understanding the challenges faced by local authorities, we work with you to develop and deliver tailored solutions.

Nationwide, our teams adapt to meet local demands – from rural communities that cannot be served by standard vehicles, to high-density urban areas with their own challenges of restricted access or high transiency.

We can draw on our group’s global expertise, as well as national experience and local knowledge to:

  • Achieve significant savings for local authorities by rationalising current services and introducing new services and improvements. 
  • Exploit new technologies and collection methodologies so that the service evolves in response to changing needs and opportunities.
  • Increase awareness of recycling services and inspire long-term behavioural change by investing in resident communications, as well as joint initiatives with national industry partners.
  • Limit the impact of the volatile commodities market as our commodities team monitors global trends and expertly manages the trading of secondary raw materials.

Our expertise

Collection services are a vital link in our value chain of expertise in resource management.

From the planning of recycling schemes and equipping the vehicle fleet, to communication strategies and day-to-day operations, our dedicated teams provide expert insights into every facet of the service.

SUEZ is leading the industry and positioning our customers for the resource revolution. We are developing the infrastructure and solutions to extract maximum value from waste.

We will continue working with our local authority partners to achieve our vision of a society where there is no more waste and spur the evolution of municipal waste services.

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