Our purpose

We live in a world of depleting raw materials, water stress and threatened ecosystems, all overshadowed by the climate crisis. SUEZ is confronting the planet’s greatest challenges by working to shape a sustainable environment.


We do this by helping our customers make best possible use of their material and water resources, while reducing their carbon footprints, protecting the environment and driving efficiency.


A resource and energy revolution is underway as industry and society move from a linear model to the new circular economy. That means no longer extracting, consuming and discarding residual or contaminated materials and water. Instead, we must optimise our use of materials and the entire water cycle, while recovering resources (including energy) from waste flows and avoiding environmental harm.


We support customers in this challenging transition, bringing our unmatched experience to bear, innovating and exploiting new techniques and solutions.


Our people also contribute at industry and national policy level. This takes various forms, including our work with trade and professional bodies, government proposals and guidance, investment in original research, and thought leadership.

Our business


We have been managing the waste of households and businesses in the UK since 1988.


From the outset, always protecting the environment, our services and company have evolved over time as we innovated to maximise the value we recover from our customers’ waste.


A pioneer of the circular economy, we have re-engineered our original waste management business. Today, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK generates electric power and heat, manufactures alternative fuels, processes reclaimed wood and produces compost – as well as securely managing a wide range of materials from recyclables to confidential waste and hazardous waste.


We will continue investing in our national network of facilities and new processes as we support our customers through the transition to the circular economy.

million (£)
Figures from 2021
million tonnes
of material diverted from landfill for re-use, recycling or energy recovery