COVID-19: SUEZ is working to ensure service continuity for our customers and community

In response to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, we are taking every measure necessary to ensure the essential services we provide continue safely and with as little disruption as possible.

In response to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, we are taking every measure necessary to ensure the essential services we provide continue safely and with as little disruption as possible.

We have implemented measures across our business to manage the health and welfare of our employees, contractors and local communities.

Safety is paramount, as is adapting quickly to a fast-moving situation. We are directly engaged with government departments to identify changes or proposals that will protect the delivery of core services. Additionally, we are using our international expertise to ensure that we have the best knowledge and advice to call upon.

We urge everyone to follow guidance issued by Public Health England and take all necessary precautions.

We are monitoring this advice daily and will make necessary amendments to our current processes in line with guidance.

As a reminder and as per government guidance, any residual waste potentially contaminated with the COVID-19 virus should be double bagged and held in a secure location for at least 72 hours before being placed in the residual bin. This significantly reduces the risk in handling this waste for collection, consolidation and ultimate treatment.

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