Managing transitions in the absence of policies

United Kingdom
From 06/09/2022 10:00:00 to 06/09/2022 11:00:00 local time
  • The only constant is change

    Consumers are changing their consumption habits as an individual choice or reactions to the cost of living crisis. Governments are introducing a raft of new policies across the sector from deposit return schemes (DRS) and landfill bans in Scotland to new business waste collection blueprints in Wales and through extended producer responsibility (EPR) and Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) in the UK. New requirements under waste carrier and digital waste tracking are expected as are changes to waste electronics, small batteries and POPs (priority organic pollutants). With all these, current and expected future change, much of which is not fully locked down and clear, how can we prepare for change?


    Horizon 2050

    Supply chain issues, planning and permit delays and uncertainty are not great foundations for investments of up to and beyond £10B over the next 10 years or more. Furthermore, the currently foreseeable changes are not the sum of change required, and new requirements, policies and financial conditions will no doubt continue to create changes each year up to and through 2050.


    Implementing changes

    How can we plan and implement changes? What do we need to deliver a design and implementation phase of the services, infrastructure and behaviours that are necessary but without the foundations of the knowledge in place to drive them?

    Join us for the webinar with our experts where we will explore what is needed to drive change, be it data, information, knowledge or understanding, and explore how uncertainty can be potentially overcome with agile systems and service.

  • Speakers

    Dr Adam Read, SUEZ

    Gurbaksh Badhan, Buckinghamshire Council

    Stuart Hayward-Higham, SUEZ

    James Bull, Tesco

  • Watch the recording