Re-use and repair - foundations of the sustainable future

United Kingdom
From 07/12/2022 11:00:00 to 07/12/2022 12:00:00 local time
  • Re-use and repair of items supports both the waste prevention agenda and the journey to a more circular economy. When implemented properly, it can provide skilled jobs, enable business growth and deliver meaningful social value to communities. For example, it has been estimated that these two stages in the waste hierarchy can create and support more than eight times the number of jobs when compared to recycling. Now, as these key pillars become more mainstream, with shops offering preloved clothing, furniture and equipment, assisted by mobile applications supporting and promoting peer-to-peer approaches, we can easily find unwanted items new homes and purposes.


    It may be easy to overlook the important role household waste recycling centres (HWRC) have to play in this revolution – as the last point of intervention, the resources and waste sector have a responsibility to prevent usable items from becoming waste. Household waste recycling centres will play an increasingly important role in the future of a truly circular resources sector.

    With more local authorities considering introducing or extending existing re-use activities at their sites and throughout their service portfolio, there has never been a better time to discuss how and where the opportunities exist, and what is holding back progress in this important space.

    Join our webinar with the expert panel to discuss the role of government policies, local strategies, and how the private sector and society in general must support re-use and repair initiatives in order to build a more sustainable future.

  • Speakers

    Dr Adam Read, SUEZ

    Richard Parkinson, Surrey County Council

    Andy Rees, Welsh Government

    Sarah Ottaway, SUEZ
  • Watch the recording