
Ice Pigging operation in Dijon, France

Residents of the Bourroches district in Dijon have been experiencing discoloured water or, “l’eau jaune” flowing from their taps and to remedy the discolouration problem, SUEZ teams from France, Italy and the UK have all joined forces to carry out challenging Ice Pigging works which took place just this week.

Ice Pigging works to clean and clear away any sediment, biofilm and other built up materials that accumulate over time in water pipes. Since its commercialisation in the water sector around 10 years ago, it has become widely adopted as the most cost-effective pipe cleaning solution in many countries around the world and is used in a wide range of industries as a unique pipe cleaning solution.

For this operation it was decided to use a much thinner ice fraction than what is typical of a standard Ice Pigging operation. In lowering the thickness of the ice, cleaning of the pipe was successful and extremely effective with a cascade of brown water discharged at the end of the pipe.

In total, one kilometre of pipe was cleaned using Ice Pigging and if the projects continue to be successful, a second pipe cleaning project will be launched. Read the full story on the recent Ice Pigging works in Dijon

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