Giving something back

SUEZ launches new suite of free education resources to mark recycle week

SUEZ recycling and recovery UK is today launching its new suite of education resources for primary and secondary school students designed to support STEM learning, enhance career aspirations and instil the values of reducing, reusing and recycling resources in young minds.

Developed by SUEZ, the resources for primary school children cover both key stage 1 and 2 with detailed lesson plans for teachers and home educators accompanied by supporting resources. There is also a range of step by step upcycling activities to transform everyday household packaging and items that might otherwise be discarded to promote reuse.

For older students, SUEZ has produced a series of videos aimed at secondary school students at key stages 3 and 4 who are considering their future career options. Featuring SUEZ employees, these promote the varied roles available within the recycling and resource management sector, explaining the different paths that brought people into these roles and how studying STEM subjects supports their career choices.

John Scanlon, Chief Executive Officer for SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, said: "2020 has seen incredible solidarity as we’ve each faced the challenge of Covid-19. As we come together this week to thank the nation for continuing to recycle during the pandemic, we want to support our teachers and home educators with these free resources that aim to inspire our young people to recycle and to consider the wealth of exciting career options available within our industry."

Natalie Chard, Senior Community Liaison Manager for SUEZ, and former teacher who helped develop the resources said: "With less time available to teachers to plan lessons due to social distancing measures and with school trips unlikely to go ahead this year, we saw an opportunity to bring our knowledge and skills to the classroom during this period when students are unable to visit us on trips or for work experience and schools will find it difficult to undertake outreach work, which is particularly important for STEM based subjects. We hope the resources will promote a love of STEM learning and foster environmental awareness in students around the country."

SUEZ sought feedback from teachers before launching the resources to ensure they aligned with the national curriculum and worked in a classroom setting and has been delighted by the reaction so far.

Mark Mountcastle, Headteacher at St Hugh of Lincoln Primary School in Trafford, said: "As a school we have visited a recycling centre many times to extend our students learning in the school curriculum. These resources will be a fantastic addition to our topics as we will be able to extend the learning even further following the children's real life experience. They are well written and the quality of resources are excellent. A fantastic addition to the curriculum we are creating to inspire the future custodians of our planet."

Jo Higgon, Careers Leader at Claydon High School in Suffolk, said: "These are a fantastic resource for careers education in schools. Each video answers key questions which allow students to find out the important information about these roles as potential jobs for the future. This set of videos includes a focus on skills and qualifications as well as favourite school subjects for a range of STEM related careers, allowing students to see how their GCSE and post 16 subjects link into these jobs. The job roles are equally represented by different genders helping to raise aspirations in those students looking for a STEM related career pathway. Thank you team SUEZ!"

Liz Sampson, Key Stage 1 Teacher at Gorran School in Cornwall, said: "These resources have been meticulously planned to meet the curriculum for primary schools and to address the wider focus on the environment, addressing reduce, reuse and recycle through a series of well planned, engaging and investigative lessons."

Claire Payne, a Year 1 Teacher at St Mary’s School in Evesham, commented: "The lessons are well planned and jam packed full of interactive activities, the children have thoroughly enjoyed them."

All of the resources are available to download here. 

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